Not too little, not too much

Chocolate Walnut Candy Box 01/05/2011

Filed under: Baking,Chocolate,Cookies,Desserts — Roxana GreenGirl {A little bit of everything} @ 05:40
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Many of us made the same old resolution: throw away the chocolate and candies and eat way much healthier, lots of fruit and vegetables and yet, here we are, few days later blogging about our latest cookies, cakes, muffins you see where I’m going.

Of course, I said the same as I do every year : if only I could give up chocolate. I never did, at least till now, and to be honest I don’t see this happening soon.

yeah, I did it again, couldn’t help myself not baking something sweet, well at least this time I used just a little bit of chocolate.

Later today, I’m going to another MOPS meeting and I just could not go empty-handed. Keeping that in mind I had to make some treats. Who doesn’t enjoy a small cookies while chitchatting?

Chocolate Walnut Candy Box


These buttery cookies are so soft, just melt in your mouth. Almost half of the flour i substituted with ground walnuts, for a slight crunchy bite. You can make them small, as i did, or even cut out cookies, the decision is all yours, but trust me, you have to make these.

Forget the resolution, let’s get baking 😀

Ingredients (makes 4 1/2 to 5 dozens)

10 tbsp soft butter

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg yolk

1 cup ground walnuts

vanilla extract

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

* If you decide to drizzle some melted chocolate on top, you need about 3 to 4 oz


Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy

Add vanilla extract, egg yolk and ground walnuts. Mix them.

Add flour and mix just until combined.

Take the dough out of the mixing bowl and shape it in a ball. Cover in plastic foil and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, even overnight if not in a hurry 😛

When the dough is chilled, take small pieces and shape them into balls

Bake in preheated oven at 325 for 15 minutes.

Let them cool and drizzle with melted chocolate, if using. (on some I used colored sugar)

Let the chocolate set and store in airtight containers


I know you’re anxious to see how they actually look inside, so I ate one, here’s the proof 😛

Thanks for your support, I appreciate it.

